Young mentors, Google, and the status quo

The Mental Breakdown - Edition #79

From the Coaches

Brad D. Smith highlights the unique value that young mentors, particularly from Gen Z, bring to the workforce and leadership in The Value of Young Mentors: What Today’s Leaders Can Learn from the Next Generation.

Tracy Wilk shares insights from current and former senior Google leaders on how to effectively pursue and benefit from mentoring relationships in Google Leaders on Building Great Mentoring Relationships.

Niti Nadarajah sits down with Harry Goldberg on a talk that touches on important subjects like loss and gender identity in Success with Purpose: Parenting, Leadership & Changing Your Status Quo

Leigh Morrison differentiates between a mentor and a coach, highlighting that mentors offer guidance and support based on their experience, while coaches focus on maximizing a client's performance and goal achievement in The Difference Between a Mentor and a Coach – and Why You Need Both.

Lisa Blosser explores the value of divergent thinkers, particularly those with traits associated with ADHD, in fostering innovation and engagement in organizations in Harnessing the Superpowers of Divergent Thinkers.

Jason Shen reflects on his experiences as an outlier, balancing remarkable abilities with notable struggles, and offers advice for similar individuals to harness their unique potential in Being an Outlier.

From the Operators & Investors

Jodie Cook outlines a three-step process for reframing adverse situations into opportunities for growth and positivity in How to reframe your situation.

Rand Fishkin shares his personal and emotional journey of leaving Moz, the company he founded in The Final Chapter of My First Startup.

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