Visualize, master, and holiday like a boss

The Mental Breakdown - Edition #23

From the Coaches

Andrea Mackenzie adds some much-needed advice on how to help leaders get the most out of their visualization exercises in How You Visualize Matters.

Mary Gregory offers clients advice on how to get past their emotional outbursts and stay in control in Mastering Emotional Triggers - A Guide To Regaining Control.

Xander Hough gives a play-by-play on how executives can plan vacation time so that they can actually enjoy themselves in How to Holiday like a Boss.

Shannon Cassidy sings the praises of gratitude and how switching to a gratitude-first mindset can help leaders unlock better performance within their teams in Gratitude For Growth.

Ravi Mishra reminds leaders that worrying about problems that don’t yet exist isn't healthy or helpful for a number of reasons in this post on LinkedIn.

Ankur Agarwal shares what unexpected roles he found himself taking on as a CEO in this post on LinkedIn.

From the Operators & Investors

Sarah Tavel warns leaders that sometimes the worst thing they can do is try to learn from others' successes because, without the data, you never know what you’re getting in Don't Fall Into the Trap of Taking the Wrong Lessons from Others' Success.

Kyle Harrison shares a powerful piece that reminds us that founders need to both follow the unspoken rules of the games they’re playing and be aware of the game they’re in to truly build a successful company in Playing Different (Stupider) Games.

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