Tim Cook, life balance, and leading with heart

The Mental Breakdown - Edition #147

From the Coaches

Rosalene Glickman explores the mindset of Apple CEO Tim Cook, highlighting his extraordinary positivity and commitment to optimal thinking in leading Apple to unprecedented success in How Tim Cook Thinks.

Anne Genduso challenges the traditional notion of life balance as a perfectly equal distribution of activities in In Life Balance, All Things Aren't Equal.

Kim Zoller discusses the vital role of empathy and emotional intelligence in leadership, illustrating how these qualities enhance team connection and effectiveness beyond mere technical skills in Leading with a Heart: How Empathy & Emotional Intelligence Make Great Leaders.

Ali Schultz explores the complexities of excelling in the realm of delegation in Passing the Ball.

Matt Hunter shares a multidimensional approach to finding purpose for leaders by considering what they're great at, what they love, and what the world needs in What You’re Great At, What You Love, What The World Needs

Sean Byrnes emphasizes the importance of fostering healthy debate within teams to make better business decisions, distinguishing between productive debating and detrimental arguing in Stop Arguing, Start Debating.

From the Operators & Investors

Greg Alexander examines the founder's dilemma of ego versus vanity, which, he argues, determines the success of a leader, with ego driving authentic pursuits while vanity distracts from genuine success, in Ego vs Vanity: The Founder’s Dilemma That Shapes Your Destiny.

Jodie Cook argues that leaders need to keep things simple and play to their known strengths if they want to succeed in Stop overcomplicating success.

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