The gift of uncertainty

The Mental Breakdown - Edition #123

From the Coaches

Cher Murphy discusses how talent acquisition leaders need to adapt to uncertainty by linking talent strategy to business strategy, building effective talent acquisition processes, and leading the narrative on organizational purpose and culture in The Gift of Uncertainty for Talent Acquisition.

Melissa Daimler shares how your clients can plan refreshing vacations in How To Have A Restorative Vacation: A 3-Part System Of Reconnecting.

Vanessa Shaw argues that managers need to adopt a coaching approach to leadership, emphasizing personalized support, goal-setting, and empowerment in Impactful Leadership: Why All Managers Should Be Coaches.

Peter Stewart shares six vital strategies that'll prepare managers for effective performance discussions, focusing on understanding the review process, active listening, and looking beyond just results in 6 Ways to Prepare Your Managers for Performance Discussions.

Tutti Taygerly shares profound insights from her visit to Cuba, reflecting on the resilience and ingenuity of its people amidst political and economic challenges and drawing parallels to leadership and personal growth in Cuba Leadership Insights: Freedom Comes from Within.

Kim Wasson outlines a practical approach to risk management in business, explaining how to identify, assess, and prepare for potential risks in Risky Business – How Do You Manage Risk?

From the Operators & Investors

David Grossman highlights the significance of 'authenticity' in leadership, emphasizing its role in building trust and engagement in an AI-driven world in Why it Matters that "Authentic" is Merriam-Webster’s Word of the Year.

Seth Godin reflects on how companies often put their efforts in places that lead to their downfalls in Optimized or maximized?

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