Terminating employees, business advice, and workplace culture

The Mental Breakdown - Edition #68

From the Coaches

Michael Duke offers advice backed by experience on what leaders should avoid when letting someone go in 5 Things Not To Do When Terminating an Employee.

Terri Levine underscores the futility of gimmicks for coaching success and the necessity of perseverance, mentorship, diligent work, accountability, and focus in Most Coaching Business Advice Sucks.

B. Pagels-Minor highlights the importance of creating an environment where employees can be their true selves, as this leads to better performance, engagement, innovation, and a sense of value and appreciation among the workforce in Want a Better Workplace Culture? Embrace Authenticity.

Doug Gaff reflects on the tough yet necessary decisions leaders must make, such as terminations for the sake of accountability and team performance, stressing the value of being respected over being liked in leadership roles in Becoming a Supportive Hard-Ass.

Deb Coviello emphasizes the transformative power of leading with gratitude in professional and personal interactions, offering practical steps to foster positive outcomes and human connections in Tips for Leading with Gratitude.

Sean Byrnes analyzes the effectiveness of team sizes, arguing that neither larger nor smaller teams are universally superior, but rather their suitability depends on specific tasks and environments in Are Bigger Teams Better?

Coach Spotlight: Alicia Perkins

A question worth asking
Am I going after what I want or just what I know I can get? We can unlock our true potential when we push ourselves to dream bigger and not just settle for what's safe.

A concept worth understanding
You can only go as far as you grow. It's crucial because it tells us that if we want to reach higher, we've got to dig deeper into our own development. It's usually the areas we don't want to grow that become our biggest hindrances.

An activity worth doing
Take time to reflect. Sit down and think about what's clicking and what's not. It's like doing a system check for your life – keeps you from running in circles.

A piece of advice worth passing on
You'll go further in life by focusing on who you need to be rather than just what you need to do. This shifts your perspective from task-oriented to purpose-driven, enhancing your personal fulfillment and focus.

Recommendations by career and leadership coach, Alicia Perkins

From the Operators & Investors

Melissa Dawr suggests fostering an environment where employees can speak openly and take risks without fear of negative consequences in How to Create Psychological Safety at Work (and why it matters).

Guy Raz discusses the future of Dang Foods with Vincent and Andrew Kitirattragarn and the emotional challenges of stepping away from the brand they built in The art of letting go with Vincent and Andrew Kitirattragarn of Dang Foods.

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