Swapping resolutions, motivating achievers, and the art of creation

The Mental Breakdown - Edition #107

Happy Friday!

If you haven’t seen an edition of Mental Breakdown in your inbox recently, it’s because I haven’t sent one. I accidentally scheduled the emails to be sent in 2025. Sigh. Now that I’ve recognized the mistake, we are back in action and you can expect to see the newsletter in your inbox at 8am PST every weekday.

Today’s edition of the newsletter is particularly special because my co-founder, Samiur, joined Dr. Katrina Burrus’ podcast to discuss the potential for AI to revolutionize executive coaching.

If you’re curious about getting started with AI, specific use cases for AI in coaching, and using AI to enhance your memory, you’ll love their conversation. Check it out 👍

From the Coaches

Alison Arnoff suggests that leaders who struggle with setting and keeping their New Year’s resolutions should try to do things a little differently this year in Design Your 2024: Swap Resolutions for Your Personal SOP.

Dr. Donald Moine offers innovative strategies for motivating top performers beyond traditional financial incentives in Motivating High Achievers: Unique Ways to Motivate People Who Have It All.

Shonté Jovan Taylor explores the relationship between human creativity and AI technology, emphasizing the importance of human intuition and authenticity in creative endeavors in The Art of Creation in the Age of AI: A Neuroscientist's Perspective.

Debra Sunderland emphasizes the significance of introspection and decision-making for conscious leaders in creating thriving organizations, contrasting survival and scarcity mindsets with the limitless possibilities of a thriving culture in Do You Lead a Thriving or Surviving Organization?

Lia Garvin offers insights on transforming team members into proactive contributors to business growth in 3 Ways to Turn your Team Members into Profit-Generating Machines.

Andy Ellwood discusses the importance of acknowledging the temporary nature of professional roles and embracing change, emphasizing meaningful departures and planning with the end in mind in Make Room To Finish Well.

From the Operators & Investors

Jodie Cook discusses the importance of resilience and the power of "bounce back" stories in How to bounce back.

Dave Bailey offers four strategies to help leaders give genuine praise without compromising their high standards in How to Praise When You Have High Standards

Oh hey, what’s Heyday?

Modern coaches rely on Heyday to generate shareable session notes, see themes from client conversations, and share insights that bring more of the right clients to them. Want to be more present with your clients? Try Heyday!

The Mental Breakdown curates first-person stories about the challenges of leadership and tips from executive coaches on how to navigate them in a free daily newsletter.