Something I don't know

The Mental Breakdown - Edition #125

From the Coaches

Scott Osman challenges leaders to go beyond surface-level perceptions in personal and professional relationships in Tell Me Something I Don’t Know.

Jenny Reilly emphasizes the importance of negotiation skills in leadership, which she argues are crucial for elevating management to a level of outstanding performance and influence in Key Negotiation Skills and Strategies for Successful Leadership.

Claus Radlberger underscores the importance of shifting from reactive to responsive behavior in leadership in Responding vs. Reacting.

Peter Dudley reflects on the humanness of emotions and experiences, advocating for acceptance and understanding of our common imperfections and challenges in Maybe you’re just human. We’re all just human.

Ramona Shaw discusses the pivotal role of artificial intelligence in 2024, urging leaders to understand how AI will impact their roles and workplaces and to adapt proactively to these technological advancements to future-proof their careers and lead with confidence in AI: 2024’s Most Important Leadership Topic.

Lia Garvin offers practical advice on implementing operational changes in teams, discussing common obstacles, and providing three key strategies to ensure smooth transitions and team buy-in in 3 Secrets to Rolling Out Operational Changes Effortlessly With Your Team.

From the Operators & Investors

Dave Kellogg advocates for the ERG ratio as a simpler alternative to the traditional EV/R metric in enterprise software startup assessment in Demystifying the Growth-Adjusted Enterprise Value to Revenue Multiple, and Introducing the ERG Ratio.

Bill Gates sits down with CEO Sam Altman about the future of AI and tech in My conversation with Sam Altman.

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