Settling down, rockstars, and reframing feedback

The Mental Breakdown - Edition #134

From the Coaches

Steven Schlafman explores his emotional farewell to New York City and his journey toward finding a true sense of home in On Settling Down.

Tamara Joiner explores effective strategies for employee retention and job satisfaction in How to Keep Your Rockstars.

Tina Robinson shares insightful strategies for reframing feedback in leadership more positively in Three Ways Leaders Can Reframe Feedback.

Adam Griffin shares a list of seven life-changing books that offer valuable perspectives on personal growth, resilience, and finding meaning in 7 books that might change your life. Or at least your perspective.

Ramona Shaw explores the idea of coachability amongst clients and what it means for their development in Coachability.

Lia Garvin outlines effective strategies for managers to handle the sudden departure of team members, emphasizing assessment, thoughtful reassignment, and reflective improvement to maintain team stability and productivity in Team Member Just Quit? Here's Your Game Plan.

From the Operators & Investors

Jodie Cook emphasizes the need for intense effort and commitment, critiquing the casual advice that understates the hard work required for high-level success in How to do something well.

Catherine Price argues that the secret to a healthier life is incredibly simple — just have some fun — in Why Having Fun Is the Secret to a Healthier Life.

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