Resolve conflicts, measure success, and a busyness crisis

The Mental Breakdown - Edition #24

From the Coaches

Lolly Daskal shares a short and sweet take on how leaders can effectively handle the conflicts that will inevitably spring up between team members in How The Best Leaders Resolve Conflicts Within Their Teams.

Anita Hossain Choudhry breaks down success into discrete categories, allowing her clients to truly think about what success means to them in How Do You Measure Success in Life?

Jay Connolly speaks to a common issue many people today face: they often do what makes them look busy and not what they need to do to be productive in There’s A ‘Busyness Crisis’ And I Am Guilty Too.

Gillian Thomson offers advice on the power of saying no and how learning to do this effectively can be one of the most freeing skills a client will ever learn in How to say no, and why it's important.

Will Wiegler comments on the importance of underscoring what exactly your company does and why that should help your team show up every day with a purpose in Your team is looking for a shared purpose. Help them find it.

Mark Darren Gregor talks about fear and how the best way to overcome that fear is not to run from it or fight it but to accept it as it is in this post on LinkedIn.

From the Operators & Investors

Suzan Bond speaks with Edwina Johnson to learn how leaders can do their jobs effectively even when they need to wear multiple hats and build a team with expertise in domains they’re unfamiliar with in Building and Leading Teams Without Having Functional Expertise.

Celia Francis shares how her background as an immigrant taught her the importance of seeing the good in everything and everyone, a skill she still leverages today to great success in My secret CEO super power.

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