Reacting or responding?

The Mental Breakdown - Edition #151

From the Coaches

Laura Noel explains how understanding the brain's functioning can help distinguish between instinctive reactions and deliberate responses in Reacting vs Responding in Difficult Conversations: A Neuroscience Perspective.

Ada Chen Rekhi emphasizes the importance of inversion thinking in startup strategy in The Power of Avoiding Stupidity for Startups.

Jason Ma highlights George Washington's exemplary leadership and strategic succession planning in Succession Planning Lesson from President Washington.

Ed Batista delves into the intricate stages of CEO transition, from the initial dream of departure to the delicate negotiation of terms, offering invaluable insights and guidance in Handing Off to a New CEO.

Melody Wilding offers strategies to navigate career crossroads with confidence and clarity, emphasizing self-knowledge, fear management, and prioritizing small steps in Making Tough Career Decisions.

Irina Stanescu discusses common mistakes in influencing others in Top 5 Mistakes That Sabotage Your Ability to Influence Others.

From the Operators & Investors

Mike Szczesny emphasizes the importance of balancing technology and humanity in business to foster meaningful connections in How to Balance Tech and Humanity To Cultivate Connections in Business.

Jason Lemkin discusses the common practice of cutting marketing budgets in tough times and argues against the unrealistic expectation of a 10x return on marketing spend in We’re All Expecting Too Much From Marketing These Days.

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