Purpose, karma, and ways to motivate

The Mental Breakdown - Edition #62

From the Coaches

Stephen Shedletzky delves into the significance of clarifying and effectively utilizing purpose, vision, mission, and values within organizations to inspire meaningful actions and behaviors in Purpose and Vision and Mission, OH MY!!

Mike Figliuolo reminds leaders of the value of focusing on what truly matters and letting karma take care of the rest in Hot Heads and Karma - It All Works Out.

Alisa Cohn provides six strategies your clients can use to get motivated even when it's the last thing they want to do in 6 Ways To Motivate Yourself When You Don’t Feel Like Doing Anything

Jonathan Bowman-Perks explains how rest and recovery for CEOs can enhance mental and physical well-being, foster creativity and innovation, and improve decision-making in The Power of Rest: Why CEOs Need Time to Recharge and Rediscover.

Steven Schlafman reflects on the passage of time, the changing priorities of life, and the importance of cherishing each stage of the journey in Reflections at 44.

Susan Robertson explores the benefits of people-focused KPIs in unlocking leadership success and achieving high performance in teams and organizations in Unlocking Leadership Success: The Role of People-Focused KPIs

From the Operators & Investors

Debbie Reed highlights the importance of leaders connecting the dots, using concise communication, and consistently sharing future goals to help their teams understand and align with long-term objectives in Tomorrow’s Plan Today.

Guy Raz speaks with Rob Kalin, the founder of Etsy, on the growth of his company and his sudden firing in 2011 in Etsy: Rob Kalin.

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