Becoming more assertive

The Mental Breakdown - Edition #16

From a recent walk with two of my favorite pups

Happy September! I hope you can make time this Labor Day Weekend to enjoy the outdoors and spend quality time with friends and loved ones. Have a great weekend.

Now, on to today’s tips…

From the Coaches

Vaughn Sigmon wants to help introverts break out of their shells and develop the assertiveness they need to find success in Becoming More Assertive: A Guide for Introverts and High C DISC Profiles.

Leigh Morrison outlines some common roadblocks she sees that up-and-coming leaders need to be prepared to handle before they get the top job in 5 Roadblocks Emerging Leaders Face.

Kim Carpenter shares her process for overcoming fear, both real and imagined, so the clients she works with can trick their brains and excel in their goals in Don't Let Fear Stop You: Overcoming Amygdala Hijack.

Henna Pryor asks the question, “Why do we take fewer chances as we become more experienced?” Then, she poses a powerful thought experiment you could share with your clients in this post on LinkedIn.

Servane Mouazan gives her take on the classic debate of which is better for leadership, being introverted or extroverted, in this post on LinkedIn.

Whit Raymond offers an easy-to-understand take on why there are often disconnects between a manager and a team on what needs to get done in Levels of "I Get It."

From the Operators & Investors

Meha Agrawal shares her experience of burning out while running a startup and what she does now that helps her maintain a healthier relationship with her work in I Experienced Founder Burnout While Building a Self-Care Startup—Here's What I Do Differently Now.

Janos Barberis recounts a story of a time he came face-to-face with a man who lost his marriage due to his work. This is a powerful story for any client who may need to be reminded that there is more to life than just their company in Being the Spouse of an Entrepreneur (Taboo #1).

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