Money, horizons, and the delusion of inner peace

The Mental Breakdown - Edition #30

From the Coaches

Pam Yang expands on what money is really for, something many clients lose track of in the pursuit of higher paychecks in On What More Money Means.

Larry Seal lists experiences your clients can try out that’ll help them get out of the rut they’re in and expand on who they are as a person in 10 Experiences to expand your horizons.

Adam Griffin gives us his thoughts on why inner peace and personal growth often have a hard time coexisting in our clients’ minds in The delusion of inner peace, the illusion of growth.

Anna Golawski explores how vulnerability, a trait typically thought of as a weakness in the office, can be a strength for leaders as it helps them empathize with their team, take risks, and more in Rethinking Vulnerability in the Workplace.

Daniel Stillman speaks with guests Ryan Horrigan and Armando Kirwin on how founders can handle the stresses that come up when pivoting their business in Cofounder Conversations: Pivoting while Staying Sane.

Brian Formato reminds us that no matter who you are, it all comes back to time and what it’s worth to your clients in What is your ROT (Return on Time)?

From the Operators & Investors

Meg Guiseppi shares her tips for crafting the best possible executive resume in My Executive Resume Is Too Long: What to Do About It.

Naz Beheshti digs into what co-founders need to do to keep their relationship healthy in The Secret Formula For Strong And Successful Cofounder Relationships.

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