Managing colleagues and making teamwork work

The Mental Breakdown - Edition #65

From the Coaches

Will Linssen offers practical strategies for handling a challenging situation when a colleague dislikes you, including avoiding over-analyzing the reasons for their dislike and considering if it's your ego that’s getting in the way in 5 Ways to Manage a Colleague That Does Not Like You.

Mitch Zenger explores the challenges of modern work environments, emphasizing the misalignment between teamwork and individual-focused processes and technology in Making Teamwork Work.

Dianna Wilusz discusses the importance of employee engagement and the crucial role middle managers play in building and maintaining it in How to Build Employee Engagement.

Matt Hunter addresses the issue of being a "nice guy" and its impact on relationships, both in a personal and professional context in How To Overcome 'Nice Guy' Syndrome

Tim Hagen provides a real-life example of a sales leader struggling to motivate a seasoned sales veteran and how understanding the veteran's true motivation led to a positive transformation in The Mystery of Personal Motivation and its Influence on Success.

Elizabeth B. Crook discusses the concept of limiting beliefs and how they can hinder a leader's effectiveness in This Hidden Enemy is Making Your Job Harder than Necessary

From the Operators & Investors

Adam Mendler emphasizes the importance of questioning limitations, embracing challenges, and recognizing the value of leadership qualities in both baseball and leadership in general in Question Every Limitation You Come Across.

Jodie Cook encourages graduates and all future leaders to embrace being underestimated, pursue ambitious goals, cultivate a strong personal brand, and prioritize building a solid character for long-term success in What I wish I knew when I graduated

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