The rise of introverted leaders

The Mental Breakdown - Edition #42

Ellie post-fetch session

Happy Tuesday! What’s better than starting your day with some exercise? I haven’t had a chance to work out today, but here’s my dog after a fast-paced fetch session this morning. Look how happy she is! I’ll leave this here as motivation for me (and you!) to exercise later.

Now, on to today’s tips…

From the Coaches

Katie Denyer offers hope for quiet introverts everywhere in Are We Finally Seeing The Rise Of Introverted Leadership?

Bill Bliss divides communication into four distinct styles so that your clients can think about how they communicate in What is Your Leadership Communication Style?

Jim Reklis makes the case that leaders should spend more time picking up a good book if they want to learn how to be better leaders in Reading Fiction Makes You a Better Leader.

Andrea Miller reminds leaders that, especially in a remote or hybrid environment, they need to have impactful discussions with their employees in Leaders Need to Have The Great Conversation.

Stephanie Peirolo warns about people she calls ‘professionally aggrieved’ as they can quickly and efficiently demoralize and divide offices in The professionally aggrieved.

Adam Griffin argues that most employees are looking for and excel when they get more clarity from their bosses in Your team wants more direction, not less.

From the Operators & Investors

Jason Lemkin warns against the temptation to sour office relationships over problems at home in Don’t Take a Tough Home Life Out … On Your Work Life.

Jason Buechel speaks with Adi Ignatius at HBR on topics like authenticity, inspiring happiness among employees, and much more in Whole Foods CEO Jason Buechel on the Challenges and Opportunities of Following a Visionary Leader.

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