Hidden workplace diversity

The Mental Breakdown - Edition #32

From the Coaches

Julia McNamara reminds leaders that a diverse workplace should also include people with different ways of thinking or seeing the world in The Hidden Workplace Diversity - Leveraging Varying "Thinking"​ Styles.

Yuval Goren wants to help clients be as happy as possible by offering these ten tips they can incorporate into their daily lives in 10 Tips for Greater Happiness and Well-being.

Ian Buckingham considers how hybrid workplaces affect your client’s job of being a manager and getting the most out of their team in Coaching Conversation 20: Hybrid Working.

Ryan Vaughn examines the biases that go on behind the scenes of pitch meetings, something your clients should consider regardless of which side of the meeting they are on in Pitches don’t tell investors what they really want to know.

Ali Schultz details how life changes when your clients go from top-performing creators to managers of a team in Building the Machine vs. Building the Thing.

Lesli Mones responds to a question about race, gender, and how to succeed in boardrooms when you don’t look like everyone else in Dear Coach: Are My Colleagues Racist & Sexist or Am I the One Missing Something?

From the Operators & Investors

Fred Wilson describes how leaders can have all the best qualities, but without the ability to get others to buy into their vision, it won’t mean much of anything in Leading From The Heart.

Karolina Szczur explains why founders have a role to play in not only making a business successful but also in being a positive force for change in Why We Run a People First Company.

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