Social work, hard choices, and successful executives

The Mental Breakdown - Edition #133

From the Coaches

Wagner Denuzzo explores the application of social work principles to leadership, emphasizing empathy, self-awareness, and the creation of a safe space for authenticity in the workplace in Leadership Lessons from Social Work to Future of Work.

Monica Phillips shares insights on decision-making and the importance of making intentional choices, drawing lessons from an episode of the TV series Brooklyn Nine-Nine in Leadership Lessons from Brooklyn Nine-Nine: The power of decision-making and hard choices.

Ron Kardashian discusses key traits for executive success in 2024, including embracing human dignity, humility, empathy, and understanding AI and technology in Successful Executives will use These 7 Behavioral Traits in the New Year.

Rich Bello offers a comprehensive guide on effectively setting and prioritizing health goals for 2024, emphasizing the importance of specificity, measurability, and strategic planning in How to Effectively Prioritize Your 2024 Health Goals.

Carl Dierschow emphasizes the importance of enjoying the journey in achieving business goals, suggesting celebrating small steps and breaking the journey into manageable parts in Enjoy the journey.

Phil Liebman argues leaders need to ask what should be done before deciding what can be done in The Danger of Asking 'Can I?' Before 'Should I?’

From the Operators & Investors

Dave Kellogg analyzes the core messaging of the 2024 U.S. presidential election, focusing on the effectiveness, cross-over appeal, and capstone utility of the "Save Democracy" and "Save America" slogans in Analyzing Core Messaging in the 2024 Election.

Jason Lemkin discusses the responsibilities and value a CEO brings to a company that warrants their sometimes exorbitant salary in What Does a CEO Do to Deserve Such an Exorbitant Salary?

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