Must-reads, energy audits, and problem solving

The Mental Breakdown - Edition #117

Matt Mochary has coached top leaders in tech like Sam Altman of OpenAI, Brian Armstrong of Coinbase, and Naval Ravikant of AngelList.

He’s also created one of the most valuable coaching resources that exists - the Mochary Method Curriculum.

We created a Q&A bot of his curriculum so that you can ask it any question that will help you better serve your clients or perform as a leader.

My favorite response so far was an answer to a question about “how to create a recruiting framework for a high-growth early-stage startup with 10-20 employees.”

From the Coaches

James Saliba offers up his favorite leadership reads for any clients looking to pick up a good book to kick off the year in Five Must-Reads for 2024 Leadership Mastery.

Wally Schmader discusses energy audits, describing what they are and why your clients should absolutely be doing them in Your Leadership Energy Audit.

Heather Christie urges leaders who are trying to do a better job of mentoring their teams to ask themselves whether what they’re doing is actually coaching in Are You Coaching or Problem Solving?

Tutti Taygerly reflects on her journey from design leader to executive coach, sharing her process of setting intentional goals and embracing a mix of dreamy thinking and structured planning in 2024 Intention and Goal Setting.

Elizabeth Bachman interviews Dortha Hise, a successful business owner and nature enthusiast, about the healing power of nature and the importance of gratitude and resilience in Nature’s Healing Touch: How To Live Life With Gratitude And Resilience With Dortha Hise.

Lolly Daskal offers crucial advice to leaders who are worried that the problems within their company might be based on their own leadership styles in 4 Obvious Signs Your Leadership Style Needs a Change.

From the Operators & Investors

Tom Greene explores the universal human desire to find meaning and purpose in life, a quest exemplified by Reese Witherspoon's journey to success and her aim to create work that matters in We’re All Just Trying to Matter.

Suzan Bond clarifies the ambiguous nature of the term "leadership," distinguishing between implicit and explicit leaders in What I Mean by Organizational Leadership.

Oh hey, what’s Heyday?

Modern coaches rely on Heyday to generate shareable session notes, see themes from client conversations, and share insights that bring more of the right clients to them. Want to be more present with your clients? Try Heyday!

The Mental Breakdown curates first-person stories about the challenges of leadership and tips from executive coaches on how to navigate them in a free daily newsletter.