Procrastination, ego, and leadership traits

The Mental Breakdown - Edition #160

From the Coaches

Camille Preston talks about the reasons behind procrastination and provides strategies to overcome it and achieve success in Why We Delay Pursuing Our Goals [And What You Can Do To Change It].

Ann Mehl warns leaders and founders about the perils of an unchecked ego in professional and personal growth, emphasizing the need for humility and continuous learning in Why Ego is The Enemy.

Jerry Colonna discusses the importance of embracing both positive and negative leadership traits for organizational growth in How to Use Your Leadership Traits to Aid Your Company’s Growth.

Trevor Jones outlines four common pitfalls to avoid in negotiations: not understanding the players or process, not knowing what's important to them or you, setting improper anchors, and burning relationships in 4 Negotiation Pitfalls to Avoid.

Dr. Rick Goodman provides insightful leadership strategies for handling difficult people in the workplace, focusing on empathy, effective communication, and self-reflection in Taming the Office Gremlins: Leadership Hacks for Dealing with Difficult People.

Stephanie Peirolo explores the concept of emptiness and space, both physically and metaphorically, through the lens of Alexander Calder's sculpture "Vache" and its implications for personal growth and self-awareness in Vache.

From the Operators & Investors

Arvid Kahl engages Yong-Soo Chung in a deep discussion about the complexities and joys of serial entrepreneurship, exploring themes such as delegating operations, the philosophy behind a personal holding company, and evolving passions in Yong-Soo Chung — Surviving Serial Entrepreneurship.

Steve Ferman delves into the strategic process of attracting ideal clients and employees by understanding their habits, interests, and congregating spaces while emphasizing the importance of core values and culture fit in Strategic Casting: How to Fish For Your Ideal Clients and Employees.

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