Why doing difficult things is worth it

The Mental Breakdown - Edition #106

From the Coaches

Joe Arioto explores why everyone should embrace challenges and hardships for personal and professional growth, drawing parallels between his outdoor adventures and entrepreneurial experiences in Why Do Hard Things?

Jim Schleckser talks about how making more money can affect your clients in What Changes When Profound Wealth is Attained?

Dave Stachowiak delves into strategies for managing conversations effectively and dealing with overly talkative individuals in professional settings in How to Respond When People Are Talking Too Much.

Lolly Daskal highlights the importance of leaders understanding their team's motivations by regularly asking seven critical questions to support and motivate direct reports effectively in 7 Questions Every Leader Needs to Ask Their Direct Reports.

Jason Shen explores the challenges outliers face in managing their weaknesses and offers strategies for improvement in Kryptonite.

Ed Batista discusses the dynamics of co-founder decision-making, highlighting the importance of balancing consensus, functional expertise, and hierarchical authority to ensure effective leadership and team collaboration in On Co-Founder Decision-Making.

From the Operators & Investors

Kyle Harrison explores the nuances of effective building and progress, reflecting on Marc Andreessen's essay and the debate between effective altruism and accelerationism in It's Time To Build... But Build What?

Sam Altman shares valuable guidance on leadership and team management while also stressing the importance of working with exceptional individuals in What I Wish Someone Had Told Me.

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