Compassion, resilience, and networking events

The Mental Breakdown - Edition #26

I'm writing a book on coaching! I've spoken with hundreds of coaches in the last 3 months. One thing that I hear over and over is that coaching is lonely work.

Coaches tend towards carving out specific niches and developing specialties. For example, one coach might focus on co-founder conflict and another on building and scaling teams as a person of color. However, coaches build out these focus areas in complete isolation from other coaches working on the same problems with other clients.

To be a part of the book, tag yourself or your coach in the comments of this post, and I will personally reach out to set up a time to find out whether it's a good fit.

From the Coaches

Julie Davis-Colan outlines how leaders can bring more empathy into their leadership styles in Lead with Empathy and Compassion.

Susan Heberlie Robertson explains what being a resilient leader means and why truly good leaders continue to work on their resilience so they can be the bedrock of their company in How to Become a Resilient Leader.

Judy Gielniak offers insights into how to maximize networking events so that your clients leave with stronger networks and more opportunities under their belt in The Key to Making the Most of Your Next Networking Event.

Merideth Mehlberg provides practices and tactics coaches can share with their clients to help them make every important conversation successful in Unlocking Success and Memorability: The Art of Co-Creating Conversations with Executives.

Daniel Stewart gives tips on how leaders can overcome the extreme challenges that face a company currently undergoing a rapid expansion in 5 Best Practices to Navigate the Challenges of Hyper-Growth.

Ann Mehl reframes conflict not as a negative force but as a neutral one that can help fix important flaws in a work (or personal) relationship in The Way We Fight.

From the Operators & Investors

Aneel Lakhani gives an insider look into startups and how they actually get funded in How Pre-Seed and Seed Valuations Actually Work.

Paul Sparrow shares what he believes all companies need to do to make themselves stand out from the pack and build market share in Your Business Needs a Secret Sauce: Enter the 3 Uniques™.

Oh hey, what’s Heyday?

Heyday is an AI-powered thought partner that helps executive coaches be more present with clients. Modern coaches generate automatic session notes, detect patterns from client conversations, and write targeted content with help from Heyday.

The Mental Breakdown curates first-person stories about the challenges of leadership and tips from executive coaches on how to navigate them in a free daily newsletter.