Buzzwords, antidotes, and CEO angst

The Mental Breakdown - Edition #145

From the Coaches

Mark Langlie delves into the complexities of LinkedIn as a professional platform, cautioning against the pitfalls of social media addiction, the echo chamber effect, and privacy issues in Beyond the Buzzwords: Surviving the LinkedIn Jungle Without Losing Your Mind.

Nils Vinje speaks with Howard Tiersky about how companies can better understand their customers and create better experiences for them in Winning Digital Customers, The Antidote To Irrelevance.

Susan Taylor explores the often unspoken emotional challenges faced by CEOs and business leaders, such as feeling unfulfilled despite achieving career success, and provides strategies for finding meaning and fulfillment in their roles in The Angst Of The CEO: When Success Leaves You Feeling Empty.

Vincent DeFilippo emphasizes the critical role of becoming an expert in one's field for advancing one's career, not just in improving job performance but also in unlocking future opportunities and enhancing career growth in today's competitive job market in Unlocking Your Potential: The Transformative Power of Domain Expertise.

Adam Griffin explores the traits that constitute greatness, emphasizing the importance of setting high standards, consistency in actions and responses, and showing up during challenging times in What does it mean to be great?

Dr. Rick Goodman discusses the importance of creating a workplace where employees not only belong but thrive in The Power of Belonging: The Leadership Imperative.

From the Operators & Investors

Melanie Balke shares five lessons learned from surfing that apply to business strategy in Ride the Entrepreneurial Wave: How Surfing Informs Business Strategy.

Robin Stanaland speaks about her journey as a coach of small and midsize businesses and the fulfilling and impactful nature of her work in Robin Stanaland: Finding fulfillment and balance as a CEO coach.

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