AI, the soul, and bringing joy into your life

The Mental Breakdown - Edition #21

Happy Tuesday! In a moment of weakness last night, I had no choice but to purchase four pints of ice cream from Salt & Straw. Please respond to this email with your favorite ice cream brand. If you live in SF and say something other than Salt & Straw, be prepared for a fight ;).

Now, on to today’s tips…

From the Coaches

Ed Rankin hypothesizes on how AI has the power to change executive coaching for the better in How Will AI Impact Executive Coaching?

Stephen Graziani talks about jazz, mastering our passions, and the dangers of ignoring our own health and well-being in Musing on Mastery - A Path to the Soul and an Opening to a Fully Expressed Self.

Rebecca Brown reminds us that what any of our clients need is what everyone needs — joy and fulfillment in their lives. To that end, Rebecca shares a list of ways she recommends her clients bring more happiness into their lives in 7 Easy Ways to Bring More Joy into Your Daily Life.

Jonathan Bowman-Perks lists all the poor traits bad leaders need if they’re going to be as uninspiring as possible in How to be the Opposite of an Inspiring Leader.

Mark Teitell shares a common issue that frequently comes up when he performs 360 interviews for CEOs and how he feels these leaders can go about reducing that weakness in this post on LinkedIn.

Nicole Spracale comments on the delicate balancing act many leaders face between being assertive and being empathetic in this post on LinkedIn.

From the Operators & Investors

Georgene Huang shares lessons she learned as a CEO on how to take criticism and learn from it in a healthy and constructive way in 7 Ways to Take Criticism Well, According to a CEO.

Melanie Naranjo explains how many leaders are underappreciating their overperformers and coddling their underperformers, and why that matters in The cost of tolerating underperformance — and overlooking your high performers.

Oh hey, what’s Heyday?

Heyday is an AI-powered thought partner that helps executive coaches be more present with clients. Modern coaches generate automatic session notes, detect patterns from client conversations, and write targeted content with help from Heyday.

The Mental Breakdown curates first-person stories about the challenges of leadership and tips from executive coaches on how to navigate them in a free daily newsletter.