Black Rock Thinking, winning, and influence

The Mental Breakdown - Edition #19

From the Coaches

Hal Halladay shares his theory on Black Rock Thinking, including what it means, why it’s important, and how shedding it will open your client’s minds to a new way of viewing the world in The Antidote for Black Rock Thinking.

Debra Sunderland shares part advice and part meditation to help shepherd your leadership clients toward a more meaningful, joyous, and successful mindset in Winning is Choosing Again and Again…

Richard A. Smith investigates how true leaders don’t need their positions or titles to command respect and influence and that, instead, they should be leading through other methods like action and support in Leadership Values in Action: Influence Without Authority.

Mike Pagan reminds us that the easiest way to make the world a better place is a simple act of selflessness and a request to pay it forward to someone else in Pay It Forward: Creating a Chain of Goodness.

Michael Cooper warns leaders that most startups are shooting themselves in the foot before they’ve had a chance to blossom by unwittingly creating a toxic work environment in The Benefits of Creating a Psychologically Safe Workplace for Startups.

Lazaro Wolf relates the difficulties one of his coachees had with knowing whether he was pushing his team too hard. The story illustrates a worry that all leaders have and offers a constructive way of viewing it that your coachees may appreciate in this post on LinkedIn.

From the Operators & Investors

Heidi Zak offers up one of the most important lessons she ever learned — how to learn what needs to be learned to be successful — in How I Learn What I Need to Learn as a Founder.

Joe Procopio muses on failure, why new entrepreneurs should not embrace it, and what they should do when/if failure one day comes for their business in The Real Reason Why Startup Founders Need To Fail.

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