Money, Ben Franklin, and communication

The Mental Breakdown - Edition #127

From the Coaches

Dr. Woody Woodward speaks with Barbara Corcoran about how money and finance can be a major stressor in Barbara Corcoran on the Stress of Money.

George Miller talks about Benjamin Franklin's life as an exemplar of transformational leadership, demonstrating how his continuous self-evolution and dedication to principles made him a timeless agent of change and innovation in Leadership—Benjamin Franklin Was The Man.

Linda Finkle offers concise, actionable strategies to improve workplace communication, focusing on respect, role clarity, informal interactions, zero tolerance for abuse, and swift conflict resolution in Get People to Communicate Better With One Another.

Sean Byrnes explores the limitations of analytics in comprehensively understanding customers, highlighting the intricate nature of human behavior and decision-making that often escapes data-driven analysis in Can a Customer Be a Number?

Mark MacLeod emphasizes the need for authentic, adaptive leadership in today's dynamic business environment, underscoring the unique challenges and responsibilities of modern CEOs in Modern Leadership: Redefining CEO Success.

Barbara Waxman reflects on the wisdom she’s gleaned from A.A. Milne's classic character, Winnie the Pooh, emphasizing self-knowledge and self-mastery as the foundation for a fulfilling life in The Tao of Pooh: Self Mastery is True Power.

From the Operators & Investors

Hunter Walk discusses the crucial role of venture capitalists in preventing wrong executive hires in startups in It takes a year to find great executives.

Kyle Harrison delves into the evolution of venture capital, contrasting traditional, smaller-scale "Puritan" VC firms with larger, diversified "Capital Agglomerators," in The Puritans of Venture Capital: Cottage Keepers vs. Capital Agglomerators.

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