Layoffs, tech startups, and becoming indistractible

The Mental Breakdown - Edition #116

From the Coaches

Caroline Stokes emphasizes the importance of ethical considerations, emotional intelligence, and leadership in handling layoffs effectively in 3 Things To Do When Layoffs Are Looming.

Peggy Tsai discusses just how critical data is to the success of an AI tech startup in What I learned after advising AI Tech Startups.

Stever Robbins speaks with Nir Eyal about how people (including your clients) can learn to master their own attention spans in Becoming Indistractible with Nir Eyal. 

Kathy Caprino examines why women often hesitate to invest in their own growth and how this reluctance impacts their career and leadership development in The Top 5 Reasons Women Resist Investing In Themselves And How It Hurts Them.

Kristin Derwinski argues for the importance of leaders asking "what" and "how" questions to foster open communication and discovery in The Two Types of Questions Great Leaders Ask.

Stephanie Peirolo explores the freedom and humility that come from acknowledging your mistakes and changing directions in "The Power of the U Turn: The Freedom of Not Being Right."

From the Operators & Investors

Fred Wilson discusses the promising outlook for 2024 in the tech and innovation economy, focusing on AI, Web3, and the new energy stack in What Will Happen In 2024.

Dave Kellogg presents his predictions for 2024, focusing on trends and challenges in Silicon Valley, enterprise software startups, and the evolving landscape of artificial intelligence in Kellblog Predictions for 2024.

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