Asking the wrong questions

The Mental Breakdown - Edition #162

From the Coaches

Jeri Quinn discusses the importance of asking the right questions when it comes to delegation in Are You Trying to Master it By Asking the Wrong Questions?

Corey Stanford delves into the challenges organizations face in fostering a feedback-rich culture in Why Feedback is Difficult.

Nina Banday outlines essential communication skills for effective leadership, including active listening, avoiding informal language, brevity, emotional intelligence, and charisma in 5 Communication Skills From Top Leaders That Work.

Barbara Waxman explores the potential and opportunities of aging, emphasizing an age-agnostic mindset for personal and professional growth and debunking myths about decline in later life in The Age of Opportunity: 5 Key Successes for 50 and Beyond.

Kathy Caprino delves into the essential traits of leaders who elevate and empower their teams, emphasizing the importance of positivity, integrity, and personal development in leadership in 7 Traits of Leaders Who Uplift Rather Than Diminish.

Rich Bello offers practical strategies for managing time effectively to nurture and prioritize relationships, emphasizing the importance of balancing personal and professional lives for overall well-being in 4 Helpful Tips to Optimize Your Time for Relationships.

From the Operators & Investors

Chris Coyier emphasizes the importance of creating personal projects with meaningful outcomes to effectively learn new skills like web design and development in Giving Yourself Stakes.

Herbert Lui outlines a four-stage creative process—Preparation, Incubation, Illumination, and Verification—to help unlock and enhance creativity in various fields, emphasizing that this process is flexible and unique to each individual and project in This Four Stage Creative Process Shows You How to Unlock Your Creativity.

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