An enduring wisdom

The Mental Breakdown - Edition #155

From the Coaches

Catherine Brinkman reflects on the empowering influence of her late father, who instilled in her the values of strength, independence, and the responsibility to help other women gain representation and opportunities in A Legacy of Empowerment: My Father’s Enduring Wisdom.

Meredith Lubitz shares her journey and insights as an executive coach, emphasizing the importance of trust in the unknown and the power of reframing one's mindset to embrace life's possibilities without constraints in It May Be Time to Expire the Concept of Expiration.

Brett Hobbs lays out how companies can work with executive coaches in a way that will lead to desirable outcomes for both sides in The 7 Steps to Guarantee ROI Through Executive Coaching.

Carl Dierschow explores the pivotal role of hope in leadership, highlighting how instilling hope in employees and customers is essential for building a successful and inspiring company in Hope.

Dr. Rick Goodman discusses the essential role of empathy and emotional intelligence in effective leadership, unveiling five key emotional attributes that elevate leaders from good to great in The Empathy Factor: Revealing 5 Emotional Keys to Exceptional Leadership.

Austin Johnson explores the foundational mindset shift necessary for assertiveness, emphasizing mental and emotional flexibility through a thought experiment to navigate power dynamics effectively in Assertiveness: The Crucial Mindset Shift.

From the Operators & Investors

Steve Blank critiques Apple's approach with their new Vision Pro headset, suggesting that while it's a technological marvel, it lacks clear product/market fit, paralleling Kodak's missteps with the PhotoCD in Apple Vision Pro – Tech in the Search of a Market.

Anne Petrik outlines the new requirements of the Corporate Transparency Act for small businesses, offering expert insights and resources for navigating these new regulations in The Corporate Transparency Act: What small businesses need to know.

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